Friday, December 26, 2008


MERRY CHRISTMAS. How was your day? Hope you had a swell time and did not do anything stupid (pardon my language) or harmful.

I have noticed that in this life one has to be patient in other to live a better life. Patience is said to be a virtue and I have noticed when I patiently wait for something allowing it to arrive at its own time (it might be a little late by my own expectation but perfect in timing) I then to value it more. What I am trying to say that for everything good that we want we might have to wait a while for it. It might seem late but if we focus on it, persevere a little bit (and pray a whole lot) we just might achieve it.

You might wonder why I am saying all this, well … I saw this article that I think you all deserve to read. It should help you in your fight against acne. Hope you enjoy it (I know I did). See you at the other end.

Acne Medication - Great Results are Worth The Wait
By Tim Grimsley

Acne medications are sometimes advertised as overnight cures. The first thing that Acne sufferers need to know is that acne medications take time to clear your skin.
I have a teenage daughter and she has had occasional bouts with acne. Although her acne is mild, she always watches for the newest acne medications to hit the market. She hoping one day for that miracle solution that clear acne instantly. She is still waiting and will be for awhile I'm afraid.
There may not be a miracle cure, but the products that are available today are a lot better than what I had to choose from. Many over the counter products rival prescription acne medications. Many acne medications are available online, some are excellent choices for general acne treatment. The prescription acne medications do have the advantage if you need an acne medication that is targeted to one particular problem. A dermatologist may also prescribe more than one medication, This will address multiple issues if needed.
When you start an acne treatment you should allow 6 to 8 weeks to see the complete results. After the acne has cleared up you also need to continue treatment on a maintenance basis. If you do not see results in 6 to 8 weeks you should consult a dermatologist.
Find out more about Acne Medications Here
Article Source:

Well folks hope you got something from this article. So when you want to quit anything (in this case your acne treatment) remember his advice.

For some great acne treatments that work extremely well for most people including my humble self, I suggest that you try to check out the following products (at a time when you get tired of seeing that acne):

1. 1. Revitol® Acne moisturizing Crème and Revitol® Acnezine Skin Antioxidant Capsules: Treats acne from outside and inside. Check out

2. Murad Acne complex®: A complete system that does not contain benzoyl peroxide (for people who cannot stand benzoyl peroxide). Check out Acne Complex

3. For people who have got massive reminders that they once had acne like me (I am talking about spots), check out Revitol® Spot gel . It helps get rid of spots and blemishes.

Here is wishing the best in your fight against acne especially in this wonderful new year that we are about to enter. See you in 2009.
Remain beautifully blessed,
Your girl, Bim nubi.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


I am positive then when some of you saw the title you must have said what in the world is she talking about now. Well considering the financial situation all around the world we have got to learn to cut some expenses and also it pays some times to go for natural and readily available ingredients that also work wonders. We have to use ingredients or natural facial cleansers that work too even if we are trying to go natural (because there is no point in using these mixtures and they don’t work).

Well as much as I would like to take credit for this article, I have to give honor to whom honor is due…I am talking about Paul of who had this article on his site.

Hope you enjoy this article and get into your kitchen to try one of the recipes. See you at the end of the article. Read on…

Make Your Own Acne Treatments
Thursday, August 28, 2008, 2:20:13 PM | Pable

Choosing effective acne treatments from amongst the plethora of products available today can be a daunting task, and while many skincare specialists advocate the use of gentle products; it can be difficult to find a natural facial cleanser that will effectively cleanse your skin, while attacking the causes of your acne. This is why many people are choosing to make their own natural face cleaner from products in their own kitchen. And these can make effective acne treatments.

It can be difficult to make sense of the complicated sounding ingredients listed on the side of manufactured products, but many of the active properties of these cleansers are introduced by the addition of some of nature’s simplest ingredients. You can recreate your very own effective acne treatments by putting these together in your own natural facial cleaner, making a product that can effectively treat your acne in a natural and gentle way.

A wide variety of natural products can act as effective natural facial cleaners that can be applied to the skin and rinsed away with warm water. The natural astringency of lime juice makes it an excellent base in effective acne treatments – mixed with boiled milk, it makes an effective and soothing facial wash. Mix lime juice with equal amounts of groundnut oil to use as a pre-wash: apply to the skin and leave for ten to fifteen minutes before washing. Mix with rose water and leave on the skin for about twenty minutes, and see how refreshed your skin looks and feels when you rinse with warm water.

Rose water can also be mixed with sandalwood to create an effective acne treatment – simply apply to the face and rinse with water after twenty minutes. Ground orange peel and water can be made into a paste and used in the same way.
Natural facial cleaners can even be produced by mixing such strange ingredients as turmeric powder and mint juice; just rinse with water after twenty minutes to see the difference.

As with all new facial products that you use, it is always wise to test a patch of your skin for any potential adverse reactions before applying to your whole face. Rub a small amount of your selected mixture just behind your ear, rinse, and wait twenty-four hours. If you experience any redness or itchy patches, then one of the ingredients might not be right for you.

Don’t be disheartened – just try the next mixture. It could be one of the effective acne treatments you’ve been looking for. You can often be surprised, but you can sometimes make your own effective acne treatment.

Hope you got enlightened with the article and are interested in trying out a mixture (I know I have started one that does not seem to have any harmful effect on my skin, just waiting for it to make my face acne free with my other acne treatments).
Some other acne treatment that are chemically based and have stood the test of times in preventing and treating acne include the following:
1. Revitol® Acne moisturizing Crème and Revitol® Acnezine Skin Antioxidant Capsules: Treats acne from outside and inside. Check out

2. Murad Acne complex®: A complete system that does not contain benzoyl peroxide (for people who cannot stand benzoyl peroxide). Check out Acne Complex

3. For people who have got massive reminders that they once had acne like me (I am talking about spots), check out Revitol® Spot gel . It helps get rid of spots and blemishes.

I hope you try out one of these products and be consistent with one that does not irritate your skin.
Hope you love what you read today ‘cos I gotta run. Hope I see you next week.
Remain beautifully blessed,
Your girl, Bim nubi.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


I have decided that for the next couple of weeks I am going to do an extensive research on what is being said about acne and the different ways that have been said it can be prevented and treated. So I decided that any article that I think you all deserve to know about, I will publish on this blog.

I was carrying out my research (like a scientist, which in a way I am) and came across this article on someone’s site ( I hope you enjoy it and actually follow the advice that was said at the end. I will see you at the end of the article.
Here it is:

Drug reaction in acne

Contrary to popular belief, although allergic reactions to the environment and to the foods you eat are a frequent problem for many people, such reactions to other manufactured products you consume are rare.

Adverse drug reactions are more frequent; a breakout due to such a reaction is called an exanthem. For example, tetracycline and some other antibiotics will occasionally cause a reddening of the skin that may look like the start of acne. It isn’t, and it will go away either spontaneously while you are still on the medication, or definitely within a day or two after you stop.

Similarly, almost no cosmetics cause an allergic reaction. Both the individual ingredients and the formulated products are exhaustively tested, first on animals and then on humans. Once a new ingredient has been carefully tested, both on animals and on humans, its manufacturer usually defrays the cost of doing so by selling it to many different companies. They in turn, pleased with a new and presumably improved product, incorporate it into many different brands, which are then sold over the years to millions and millions of people.

Any product or ingredient that caused any noticeable level of allergic reaction would be promptly withdrawn from the market. Not only would its manufacturers be far too frightened of being sued to continue to sell it, but to do so would be unnecessary. Why sell an allergenic product when there are so many nonallergenic ones available?

No, there is very little chance that you will suffer from an allergic reaction to a medication, and virtually none that you will have such a reaction to a cosmetic. But even if you did, that reaction would not cause acne.

Having said that, as we have stressed elsewhere, cosmetic products that are greasy and clog the skin do help to form the comedones that cause acne. Always use oil-free moisturizers.

Hope you enjoyed the article and learnt a few things, like I always say the best way to treat acne is to prevent acne by using products that suit your skin and help prevent acne effectively. The problem with most people (myself inclusive) is that once we are acnefree for a couple of weeks we stop using our acne treatment and act carelessly either by applying what we shouldn’t or eating what we shouldn’t (it is hard to resist a temptation at times after depriving yourself for so long).

Products that I know are wonderful in preventing acne in most people (for me also) are as follows:
1. Revitol® Acne moisturizing Crème and Revitol® Acnezine Skin Antioxidant Capsules: Treats acne from outside and inside. Check out
2. Murad Acne complex®: A complete system that does not contain benzoyl peroxide (for people who cannot stand benzoyl peroxide). Check out Acne Complex
3. For people who have got massive reminders that they once had acne like me (I am talking about spots), check out Revitol® Spot gel . It helps get rid of spots and blemishes.
I advice you try out one of these products and be consistent with any one that does not irritate your skin.

Well I hoped you enjoyed my posting today; hope to see you next week (I hope to be more regular than that but for now we can only met weekly).
Remain beautifully blessed,
Your girl, Bim nubi