Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Hi everyone. I am so sorry that I have not been able to post anything for the past few days, I have been working. I have started my internship (training) and it has been pretty hectic for me. I always feel tired when I come back. I work on Saturdays and have only Sundays off (Thank God). It is not easy waking up at 5am and taking a 2 hour journey to my work place. I hope I get used to it.

Oh well, I decided that I would post another article by Paul Schaverien (Paul you owe me because I really don’t know why I seem to be posting more and more of your articles). Okay let me be frank; Paul’s articles are pretty good. I wish I could write like that (informative, easy to understand and enternaining).

Well the article I chose for today talks about 10 tips on skincare. Hope you practice what you read here. Well I leave to enjoy his article, see you at the other side.

Skincare - 10 Top Tips by Paul Schaverien
Healthy skin really enhances beauty. This article on healthy skin care tips is an effort to bring the 10 best skin care tips to you. Although the list of healthy skin care tips could be endless this list has been restricted to ten tips because any more would be difficult to easily remember and also detract from these important skin care tips.
The top ten skin care tips are:
• Understanding your skin type is one of the most important skin care tip. This is important because most commercial skin care product suits are directed at a particular skin type, as displayed on the product container.
• ‘Drink a lot of water’. It is recommended that you drink at least 8 glasses per day. This will help in the overall upkeep of your health (and in turn your skin). It might seem a little daunting to drink so much; however, this is an important skin care tip.
• A bit of exercise and good sleep are essential too, not just for skin care but for your health as a whole. Lack of sleep can lead to formation of wrinkles below your eyes and lack of exercise can cause your skin to slack. Moreover, exercise and sleep also help in beating stress. So besides being a skin care tip, this is also a health care tip.
• Regularly cleanse your skin (1-2 times everyday). A very effective skin care tip that helps in getting rid of the dirt and other harsh elements from your skin. Cleansing is especially important when you have been out of your house (and hence exposed to pollutants, dust etc). This skin care tip also advocates the use of lukewarm water for cleansing (hot and cold water, both, cause damage to your skin)
• Be gentle, after all it’s your skin. Don’t scrub/exfoliate too hard or too often. Similarly, don’t apply too much or too many skin care products. A must-to-follow skin care tip.
• Keep your skin moist at all times. This is one of the most important skin care tip. Don’t let your skin get dry. Dryness causes the outer layer of your skin to break, leading to a rough and unattractive appearance. Use moisturizers/ emollients. Moisturizers work best when applied while the skin is still damp.
• Avoid the use of soap on your face. Soap should only be used from below the neck. A small but important skin care tip.
• Beat stress. The harmful effects of stress are known to everyone, however, sometimes stating the obvious is essential too (and hence this skin care tip found its place here). Yes, stress harms skin too. So, take a break or indulge in a warm bubble bath or just get good sleep.
• Use sunscreen to protect yourself from sun’s harmful UV radiations. You can use day-time moisturizers that have sunscreen built into them. Use them even when it’s cloudy. UV radiations are known to cause skin cancer, so follow this skin care tip without fail.
• Treat skin dilemmas with care. This skin care tip is about not ignoring any skin dilemmas. Consult your dermatologist before you go on to use a skin care product (just in case you harm your skin even more).

Hope you enjoyed the article and learnt a lot, you can check Paul’s blog www.acne-causes-symptoms.com/blog or simply stick to this place for many different articles from Paul and other wonderful writers.

If you need an acne treatment you can check out these products:
1. Revitol® Acne moisturizing Crème and Revitol® Acnezine Skin Antioxidant Capsules: Treats acne from outside and inside. Check out http://www.revitol.com/product/overview/Acnezine_Acne_Solution/?aid=490509
2. Murad Acne complex®: A complete system that does not contain benzoyl peroxide (for people who cannot stand benzoyl peroxide). Check out Acne Complex
3. For people who have got massive reminders that they once had acne like me (I am talking about spots), check out Revitol® Spot gel http://www.revitol.com/acne-spot-gel/?aid=490509 . It helps get rid of spots and blemishes.

Hope you would join me next time (when? I have no idea but I hope it would be very soon).
Stay beautifully blessed, your girl, Bim nubi.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Hey you guys. I am glad to present to you another article from Mr Paul. It discusses how to choose a facial product that is best for your skin (without causing you to break out).

I guess I would leave you to enjoy his article.
Here it is.

Acne: Facial Skin Care: Choosing a Product By: Paul Schaverien

When discussing skin care, facial skin care seems to be top of peoples’ concerns. There are so many facial skin care products available in the market that making an educated choice is extremely difficult. The most common facial skin care products are the ones that are used as part of daily routine. These include item such as cleansers, moisturizers, toners and exfoliators.

A general classification of facial skin care products is based on the following factors:
• Gender (there are facial skin care products for both men and women)
• Age (facial skin care products for young, middle aged and old skin)
• Type of skin (facial skin care products for oily skin, facial skin care products for dry skin, facial skin care products for normal skin and facial skin care products for sensitive skin)
• Skin condition (i.e. facial skin care products for treatment of various skin problems like eczema, acne etc)
That is your starting point for choosing a facial skin care product that suits you. A good way to start is by determining your skin type first. Also note that the skin type changes with age, so the facial skin product that suits you today, might not suit you forever and hence you need to constantly evaluate the effectiveness of your facial skin care product.

The facial skin care products are available in various forms i.e. creams, lotions, gels, masks etc, and a lot of people try to pit one against the other in their discussion on which form is best. However, one can’t really rate one form as better than another form. What suits you (and whatever you are comfortable with) is the best form of facial skin care product for you, really.

However, it’s important to note that these products work differently for different people. So the best thing is to try the facial skin care product on a small patch of skin (e.g. ear lobes) before actually going ahead and using it.
Another important consideration is the state of your skin. If you are suffering from a skin disorder of any kind, it is best to seek the advice of a dermatologist or other medical professional before you actually make your selection and start using a facial skin care product. Once you have decided upon the facial skin care product for yourself, you also need to ensure that you use this facial skin care product in the right way: quite simply follow the instructions for application, use the correct quantity and make the facial skin care product a part of your skin care routine and ensure you follow this routine carefully.

Hope you enjoyed this article because I did.

Love to see you next time. Hope you remember to check out this blog for more articles that I think are great and would help you achieve that acnefree and beautiful skin that you really want.
Your girl saying stay beautifully blessed.

P.S: Check out my previous postings to get more information on products that are very good in fighting acne. I am sure you would love the products.

Sunday, August 3, 2008


Hi there. I am sorry that I have not been able to post anything for some days; I had some things that crept up on me without me planning it. I had to travel and go for an interview (that I didn’t know about until two days to the day).

Well, today I decided to talk about mild and moderate acne that a lot of people experience and the available acne treatments that are used.

Have you been constantly disturbed by those annoying little bumps (like I call them) or swelling that may be numerous or few on your face or body? Are you always embarrassed to go out when acne comes to visit you without doing anything to cause it or did you use a new make-up product/cosmetic that caused you to flare up?

Are you struggling to get rid of the acne that does not seem to want to leave your skin? Are you dying to have that acne free/blemish free skin that you see other people have? Have you tried various acne treatments and acne fighting product and they don’t seem to have any effect on your acne?

If you practically answered yes to the questions that I asked, I would like to ask you to look no further than the best acne treatment that I am about to introduce to you.

This acne treatment is one that attacks the bacteria that causes acne from outside and inside. It fights acne that is present on your skin and helps prevent new ones (when used continuously). It is a complete system that is available as a cream and a supplement. The cream contains a super active ingredient that has been used for years in the treatment of mild and moderate acne.

This ingredient is known as ‘Benzoyl peroxide’ and the acne treatment product is “Revitol® Acne moisturizing Crème”. It does not only contain benzoyl peroxide but is packed loaded with herbal extracts that help replenish your skin with nutrients that allow you to obtain that gorgeous skin you really crave. You can check out the product at http://www.revitol.com/product/overview/Acnezine_Acne_Solution/?aid=490509.

The complimentary product to the crème is a supplement pack that has loads of vitamins, antioxidants and useful substances that not only tackle acne from inside but help you build your immune system leading to a healthier you. Do you need any more convincing to check out Revitol® Acnezine Skin Antioxidant Capsules at http://www.revitol.com/product/overview/Acnezine_Acne_Solution/?aid=490509.

The great part about this system is the fact that the product uses the helpful effect of chemicals and herbal extracts and improving your immune system to effectively treat and prevent the acne that could appear on your skin.

I could continue from now till tomorrow telling you about the benefits of this complete acne busting, fighting, ridding treatment but you would not have any fun in discovering the full effectiveness of the products on your own, so why don’t you check out http://www.revitol.com/product/overview/Acnezine_Acne_Solution/?aid=490509 yourself.
I would like to leave you with this thought. If millions of people are deriving joy using these products that helps them have that acne free skin they could only dream about, what is stopping you from trying out the products?

Well that is all for today folks. Remember you have nothing to lose than your acne.
Remain beautifully blessed, your girl, Bim nubi.

P.S: Don’t forget to check out the wonderful products that I have told you about (plus they have got a great promo on though I advise you to try the product out before you take advantage of their promo) at http://www.revitol.com/product/overview/Acnezine_Acne_Solution/?aid=490509 .

P.P.S: If you cannot stand benzoyl peroxide, check out Murad Acne complex® at Acne Complex. It does not contain benzoyl peroxide and effectively treats acne and also comes with some wonderful freebies (I have not met any one who does not love the freebies).