Friday, June 18, 2010


Those annoying red and at times burning swelling that pop up either on your face or body (you know what I mean….acne) can be embarrassing, irritating, confidence deflating and a whole lot of emotions that I can’t write about now. They then to pop up when you have something important or when they decide that it is time for them to show their presence and reminder you that you always suffer from acne (at least that is what I feel, you might feel differently).

Acne is as a result of excessive oil mixing with dead skin cells and clogging the pores of your skin. This allows bacteria to be trapped with the dead skin cells and inflame the surface of your skin causing acne. Having acne (especially those large sized and painful ones) is not a spectacular feeling that most acne sufferers want to bear.

This causes a lot of acne sufferers to wish there was a magic wonderful potion that one can either drink or apply on one’s face and in a jiffy all your acne is gone in poof (I know I do). However if wishes were horses, beggars would fly.

In other words I don’t think there is any magic potion that can cure your acne but there are certain ways to prevent acne and make your skin acne free. This ways can help prevent your acne making you feel more confident than you would have been if you were terribly affected by acne. These ways are simple and do not cost you anything except a little of discipline.

The following steps help in achieving a blemish free skin, they are :
1. Let your skin breath a little: There is a tendency for most acne sufferers to wash their face a lot of times during the day but it is advisable that you wash your face with lukewarm water like 3-4 times a day and with mild soap like baby soap. Do not scrub your face with harsh scrubs as they cause a lot of harm rather than good to your face. Always use a soft towel to pat your face dry.

2. Don’t pick your acne: I am sure you have heard about that from a lot of people but the temptation sometimes is just too great. However you should know that picking or squeezing your acne allows more to come as you force bacteria deeper into your skin leading to inflammation and this could lead to a permanent scar being left behind. So next time you feel like picking your acne remember that you might be inviting more to come.

3. Avoid using comedogenic make-up: This applies to ladies only. When shopping for make-up always go for those that are non-comedogenic (i.e do not cause acne) and when buying moisturizers, get those that are oil free and of course non-comedogenic. Also when exercising, try to restrict your usage of make-up to the barest minimum.

4. Don’t overexpose your skin to the sun : Small amounts of sun may improve your acne but it may not be permanent. It is not advisable to constantly expose your skin to the sun as this may lead to the drying of your skin allowing the sebaceous glands in your skin to produce more oil and thereby lead to the production of more acne. Always use sunscreen or products with SPF factor of at least 15 or more and are effective against UVA and UVB rays and try to restrict your exposure to the sun.

A very essential step in preventing is finding a treatment plan that suits you and sticking to it even when your face has been acne free for a year. I hope you try to be a little self disciplined and try to follow the tips I have given to you. Trust me your skin would thank you for it and your self confidence would shoot up to the sky.

Hope you enjoyed the article.
See you soon.

P.S: If you need a copy of free e-book on 10 ways to get rid of your acne simply send a mail to

Monday, April 26, 2010


I have been absent for a while but i am back (hopefully for good). So here is a really cool article on how to prevent your acne naturally, hope you enjoy it.

Acne, a common skin disease affects a lot of people and is mostly seen on those that are in their adolescent stage but it can also be seen in some adults. Acne is caused by changes in the pilosebacous units (skin structures consisting of a hair follicle and its associated sebaceous gland.

Trapped oil called sebum inside your pores can cause acne to appear. Once sebum accumulates, bacteria will start to grow causing the familiar swelling which is what we all know to be whitehead, blackhead or pimple.

You can achieve an acne free skin naturally using different methods, however you should know that what might work for someone might not work for you (though there are some of the ways that work for everyone). So you have to find one that works for you and use regularly. Here are 7 ways that you can use. They are so effective if followed properly and continuously. They include :

1. Eat Right: It may have never been scientifically proven that eating fatty foods contribute to the development of acne, some people however say that fatty foods do cause them to flare up (I happen to be one of them). Eating healthy is well known to cleanse and detoxify our body leaving us with a healthy glowing skin, so why don’t you?

2. Drink lots of Water: Water cleanses our body by flushing out toxins and excess oil. It hydrates the skin thereby allowing us to have beautiful skin.

3. Pineapple juice: This has the same use as water, it also helps flush out harmful toxins and sebum from the body. A daily dose of pineapple juice will have a significant effect in your health as a whole. It contains Vitamin C which is known to improve our immune system. It has however come to my notice that some people have some bad reaction to pineapple, for such people it is advisable that they take other fruits that have lots of Vitamin C and also water in them.

4. Use Lemon Juice as an astringent: You can cleanse your face with lemon juice regularly; it will help remove excess oil that may potentially be trapped inside your pores. This can serve as your exfoliating cleanser.

5. Drink Tea: Tea is well known for its anti-oxidant properties, most especially the chamomile and red tea. Now I know why the Chinese have beautiful skin.

6. Eat Fruits and Vegetables: Fruits and vegetables are known to have fiber and anti-oxidant contents. So add them to your diet as they will not only help in cleansing your body, it will also provide that radiant glow to your skin (just what we all want).

7. Sleep: It is good for you. It has been said that 7 hours of sleep would do wonders for your skin and physical well being. Having a healthy, well-rested body helps to build a strong immune system which not only helps you prevent acne but fights infection. So sleep well.

Most acne sufferers know that having an acne attack can do a lot of damage to a person's confidence, especially in the adolescence stage where in a person is just starting to build his/her own personality. It also not very funny for an adult that has been besieged by acne.

It is never easy to deal with people that would tease you because of your condition, it might be just a joke for them but it does have an effect on a person's level of confidence.